Sunday, November 15, 2009

final session

I would like work with animals, but my ideal job would be to work with exotic animals. I want to work in a zoo with tiger, lions, dolphins, exotic birds and all animals in there. I would like to help them when they are ill. Moreover I want to study animal's behavior. I would like work outdoors for watch the nature and teach to children and their parents about animals (where live, what they eat, why they are there and a lot of things of animals).
I found out this job when I went to the zoo or when I watched T.V programs about animals and I began to dream that I will study this career and then I will work with animals.
And this is my ideal job; work with animals, help to animals and love them forever.


  1. oh Shofiluno you're so cute haahaha =)
    I wrote something similar on my blog, you can check it if you want or if you have time, of course.

    see you :*

  2. hiii!!! I will visit you in the zoo.. :D but you'll have to give me free passes! jajaa



  3. Hi Shofi!!
    you like exotic animals like me!! :D
    maybe we could work together and build a new zoo!
    would be great...
    bye! kisses.

  4. I would like ^ work with animals, but my ideal job would be to work with exotic animals. I want to work in a zoo with tiger, lions, dolphins, exotic birds and all animals in there. I would like to help them when they are ill. Moreover I want to study animal's behavior. I would like work outdoors forWF watch the nature and WF teach to children and their parents about animals (where live, what they eat, why they are there and a lot of things of animals).
    I found out this job when I went to the zoo or when I watched T.V programs about animals and I began to dream that I will study this career and then I will work with animals.
    And this is my ideal job; work with animals, help to animals and love them forever.

    ok good luck with your job I know you would be a great vet!

    p.s. you got a 6.5
